Detector Electronics Publications
Design and testing of the first 2D Prototype Vertically Integrated Pattern Recognition Associative Memory
T.Liu, G.Deptuch, J.Hoff, S.Jindariani, S.Joshi, J.Olsen, N.Tran, M.Trimpl (19Feb2015)
Data Formatter System Design Specification
J.Olsen, T.Liu, Y.Okumura (1Jul2014)
A full mesh ATCA-based general purpose data processing board
J.Olsen, T.Liu, Y.Okumura (24Mar2014)
Prototype performance studies of a Full Mesh ATCA-based General Purpose Data Processing Board
Y.Okumura, J.Olsen, T.Liu, H.Yin (19Mar2014)
Monolithic Active Pixel Matrix with Binary Counters ASIC with Nested Wells
F.Fahim, G.Deptuch, S.Holm, A.Shenai, R.Lipton (8Mar2013)
Data Formatter Design Specification: DRAFT Version 0.1
J.Olsen, T.Liu, B.Penning, H.Li
The Dark Energy Camera readout system
T.Shaw, O.Ballester, L.Cardiel-Sas, J.Castilla, S.Chappa, J.deVicente, S.Holm, D.Huffman, M.Kozlovsky, G.Martinez, T.Moore, J.Olsen, V.Simaitis, W.Stuermer (30Oct2012)
CMS Technical Design Report for the Phase 1 Upgrade of the Hadron Calorimeter
J.Man, J.Anderson, B.Dahmes, P.deBarbaro, J.Freeman, T.Grassi, E.Hazen, R.Ruchti, I.Schimdt, T.Shaw, C.Tully, J.Whitmore, T.Yetkin (26Sept2012)
Development of 3D Vertically Integrated Pattern Recognition Associative Memory (VIPRAM)
G.Deptuch, J.Hoff, R.Lipton, J.Olsen, E.Ramberg, J.Wu, R.Yarema, M.Shochet, F.Tang (9Dec2011)
Developments for the upgrade of the CMS HCAL front-end electronics
D.Baden, E.Frahm, J.Freeman, T.Grassi, S.Los, J.Mans, T.Shaw, C.Tully, J.Whitmore, T.Zimmerman (29Nov2010)
System Architecture of the Dark Energy Survey Camera Readout Electronics
T.Shaw, O.Ballester, L.Cardiel-Sas, J.Castilla, S.Chappa, J.deVicente, S.Holm, M.Kozlovsky, G.Martinez, T.Moore, J.Olsen, V.Simaitis, W.Stuermer (27May2010)
VME Data Acquisition Modules for MINERvA Experiment
B.Baldin (19Feb2010)
Curved track segment finding using Tiny Triplet Finder (TTF)
J.Wu, M.Wang, E.Gottschalk, Z.Shi (30Nov2006)
FPGA curved track fitter with very low resource usage
J.Wu, M.Wang, E.Gottschalk, Z.Shi (29Nov2006)
A pattern recognition scheme for large curvature circular tracks and an FPGA implementation using hash sorter
J.Wu, Z.Shi (14Dec2004)
Design and testing of a radiation tolerant clock, control and monitor (CCM) module for the CMS HCAL electronics
S.Holm, T.M.Shaw, J.Elias, S.Surgueev (4Dec2002)
Radiation validation for the CMS HCAL front-end electronics
J. Whitmore, A. Baumbaugh, J.E. Elias, S. Holm, K. Knickerbocker, S. Los, C. Rivetta, A. Ronzhin, A. Shenai, R. Yarema T. Zimmerman (6Nov2002)
Channel control ASIC for the CMS hadron calorimeter front end readout module
R.J.Yarema, A.Baumbaugh, A.Boubekeur, J.E.Elias, T.Shaw (1Oct2002)
Online track processor for the CDF upgrade
E.Thomson, C.Ciobanu, J.Chung, J.Gerstenslager, J.Hoftiezer, R.Hughes, M.Johnson, P.Koehn, C.Neu, C.Sanchez, B.Winer, J.Dittmann, J.Freeman, S.Holm, J.Lewis, C.Lin, T.Shaw, K.Bloom, D.Gerdes, N.Goldschmidt, J.Dawson, W.Haberichter (22Jul2002)
The CDF TESTCLK module - Providing system level clocking and triggering for run 2 prototyping crates
T.Shaw, W. Stuermer (8Nov1999)
The Design and PCB layout of the CDF run 2 calorimetry readout module
T.Shaw, C.Nelson, T.Wesson (8Nov1999)
Protocols and standard crate configuration for a typical CDF run 2 readout crate
T.Shaw, W.Stuermer, T.Wesson, P.Wilson (8Nov1999)
D0 upgrade muon electronics design
B. Baldin, D. Green, H. Haggerty, S. Hansen
D0 muon readout electronics design
B.Baldin, S.Hansen, S.Los, M.Matveev, V.Vanev (30Jan1997)
Performance and system flexibility of the CDF hardware event builder
T.Shaw, K.Schurecht, P.K.Sinervo (16Jan1992)
Control and data acquisition electronics for the CDF silicon vertex detector
K.Turner, C.A.Nelson, T.M.Shaw, T.R.Wesson (13Jan1992)
Commissioning of the control and data acquisition electronics for the CDF silicon vertex detector
S.Tkaczyk, K.Turner, C.Nelson, T.Shaw, T.Wesson, M.Bailey, M.Kruse, A.Castro (13Jan1992)
Preliminary Design of a Drift Chamber Time Digitizer
T.Droege, M.Watson, T.Wesson (10Jul1975)
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