Particle Physics Division

The Fermilab Particle Physics Division advances the understanding of matter, energy, space and time by managing resources and providing support for researchers who conduct scientific research at the intensity, energy, and cosmic frontiers of high energy physics.

The Compact Muons Solonoid experiment, is located at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, and started taking data in March, 2010. The US collaboration is making significant contributions to nearly every aspect of the detector throughout all phases, including construction, installation and preparation for data-taking.
Muon g-2

The Muon g-2 experiment will use Fermilab's powerful accelerators to explore the interactions of short-lived particles called muons. If the properties of these particles differ from theoretical predictions, it is a sign that other, undiscovered particles are at work.

The Mu2e experiment will search for the hypothesized conversion of muons into their lighter cousins, electrons. This type of transformation occurs in other types of particles, but it has yet to be discovered in this particle family.

SeaQuest explores the structure of the proton and of the particles of which it is made. SeaQuest is a Drell-Yenn experiment, located in the New-Muon Beamline, and started taking data in 2011.

The Holometer is the first experiment to address the question of whether space and time are quantized or whether they are smooth.
Dark Energy Survey

The Dark Energy Survey uses a camera mounted on the Blanco telescope in Chile to survey the southern sky to investigate the effects of dark energy.

The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search is a supercooled, underground experiment searching for dark matter particles.
- Last modified
- 01/14/2016
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